Considering Buying a Home in a Flood Zone? Three Things to Consider Before Making an Offer

Buying a home in a flood zone isn’t always a bad idea, especially if you have the right flood insurance to protect your investment. At AS Insurance Agency, we’re here to offer Manchester, NH residents the flood insurance products necessary for your peace of mind. Here, we’ll look at a few things you’ll want to consider before purchasing a property located within a flood zone.

Flood History

You’ll want to learn more about the particular flood zone in which your potential property is located. Researching FEMA’s flood maps, understanding the property’s elevation, and learning more about previous flooding incidents can all help you decide whether to proceed with your purchase.

Legal Requirements

In many areas, flood insurance is required for homes that are in high-risk zones. Your realtor can work with you to help you understand the insurance requirements for the properties you’re considering. At AS Insurance Agency, we’re happy to talk with you about the cost of flood insurance for your property.

Mitigation Measures

If you’re purchasing a property in an area where flooding is common, previous owners may have taken steps to reduce the risk of flooding, such as installing sump pumps, upgrading drainage systems, or raising the structure. These factors may lower the cost of your flood insurance.

Call AS Insurance Agency, Serving Manchester, NH

At AS Insurance Agency, we’re here to provide you with the guidance you need to choose the right insurance policy for your home. We’re happy to discuss flood insurance coverage with you, and our friendly agents are waiting to meet you. Please stop by our office or call us today to learn more about how we can protect you and your home.

What Riders Can You Add to Condo Insurance?

You start with a standard policy when you purchase a condo insurance policy from AS Insurance Agency to protect your investment in your Manchester, NH, condo. Working with your insurance agent, you can add riders to your to add scheduled items, such as engagement rings or hobbyist equipment.

Scheduling an Item 

You choose the riders or scheduled items to add to your basic condo policy. When you schedule an item in a condo policy, you specifically list that item, describing it in detail and including its value. You can add jewelry, business equipment, hobby equipment, books, stereo components, etc.

How It Affects Premiums 

When you add items to the policy, the premium cost is affected. Each scheduled item or rider increases the premium slightly. If you add a lot of scheduled items, the cost of the policy increases.

Advantages Derived from Riders 

While they might cost a bit per item, a rider is worth it if your condo gets damaged or someone steals your belongings. Normally, a condo policy works like other home insurance policies, covering personal belongings with a percentage of the condo’s value.

If you purchase a condo for $100,000, a typical policy includes coverage of between one and 10 percent of that value as personal belongings. You probably own more than $1,000 or even $10,000 worth of clothing, electronics, kitchen and other housewares, furniture, etc. When you schedule an item, you insure it for its full value. Whether a peril damages your items or a thief steals them, you receive the full value of the item so that you can buy a replacement.

Contact AS Insurance Agency Today

Let AS Insurance Agency help you customize your policy to cover your valuables completely in your Manchester, NH, condo. Contact us today to create your custom condo insurance. 

Taking the Road Less Traveled Requires This Motorcycle Insurance

Manchester, NH, offers 1,200 miles of opportunities to take the road less traveled. Off-road motorcycle trails include Haystack, Farnum, Wild River Roads, and Jericho Mountain. 

AS Insurance Agency wants you to enjoy your NH riding adventures. However, we don’t recommend navigating the most extensive northeast interconnected trail system without insurance. The coverage you need differs from when driving an automobile. 

Motorcycle Driving Risks

Historically, the government has warned of the heightened risk of motorcycle driving. Fatalities may occur at least 20 times more on a motorcycle than in a car. 

It’s no secret that your vulnerability to the open air and nearby traffic puts you in increased danger. When riding a motorcycle, it’s best to have the highest level of personal injury coverage you can afford. 

Car Versus Motorcycle Coverage

Car drivers may not need as much coverage as when riding a motorcycle. It’s assumed that at least some of a passenger’s medical expenses are included. For a motorcycle, it’s not so clear. 

Now, some people think of motorcycles as a “joyriding” toy. They often have a passenger in the back. However, insurance agents typically classify a motorcycle as a one-person vehicle. 

Expect to pay higher premiums if you frequently have passengers on your bike. You may also need to add extended personal injury coverage to your policy. 

Insurance Alone Won’t Save You

Insurance only protects your finances. It alone won’t save you from injury or death. The AS Insurance Agency serving Manchester, NH encourages you to stay safe. 

The New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicles provides a motorcycle training program. It’s open to both new and experienced riders. 

Gloves, hats, goggles, jackets, and other protective equipment will also prevent damage. Inspect your ATV or motorcycle regularly, and don’t procrastinate on needed repairs. 

We hope you have fun and never get injured. AS Insurance agents are here for you if you experience unexpected trouble. Contact us today if you need assistance. 

How to Maximize Your Health Insurance Benefits in Manchester, NH

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, about 92% of Americans have health insurance coverage. Unfortunately, not everyone with a health insurance policy takes full advantage of it. AS Insurance Agency can help you make the most of your health insurance policy in Manchester, NH. Here are tips on how to maximize your health insurance benefits.

Choose the Right Health Insurance Policy

Picking out a health insurance policy to meet your needs will be paramount. You never want to get stuck with a health insurance policy that provides too much coverage or not enough of it. At AS Insurance Agency, we can review your potential options and assist you in selecting the best health insurance policy possible in Manchester, NH.

Schedule Appointments With a Primary Doctor and Specialists

Even though the vast majority of Americans have health insurance, not everyone sees a primary doctor each year. If you fall into this category, make it your mission to schedule at least one check-up with a primary doctor each year. Look into scheduling appointments with specialists as well if you have any pressing health concerns.

Keep Accurate Medical Records

Every time you see a doctor throughout the year, you’ll receive a receipt and a statement from your health insurance provider. Hang onto medical records like this so you can file claims correctly. These records will also enable you to evaluate your health insurance plan at the end of every year and adjust it.

Are you in the market for a health insurance policy in Manchester, NH? AS Insurance Agency is here to help. Contact us today to find an appropriate plan.

Future-Proofing Your Family: Life Insurance Innovations in Manchester, NH

Life insurance policy decisions are fraught with difficulty. There is a certain pressure to get these decisions right. That’s where the assistance of AS Insurance Agency comes into play. We are here to help Manchester, NH, residents learn everything they need. Before you contact our team of professionals, be sure to take a moment to check out these helpful tips and pointers:

Review Your Own Circumstances

There is no need to base a policy of this nature on what has worked for others in the past. A life insurance policy should reflect specific needs instead of existing policies that others have obtained. Do the benefits closely match your needs? If so, this is a sign that you are on the verge of making the right choice.

Examine The Policy Carefully

Before you sign on the dotted line, you need to make sure that you are examining the policy as carefully as possible. You will want to ensure that all of the answers being provided are 100 percent accurate. Otherwise, you could be forced to make changes to the policy at a later date so that any inaccurate information is corrected.

Keep Your Policy

If a policy is dropped instead of being maintained over the long haul, this is going to do more harm than good. The process of replacing an existing life insurance policy is going to be a major hassle that most policyholders would rather avoid. Ask our agents for more information if this policy aspect is unclear to you.

If you have any further questions or concerns that need to be addressed, take a moment to give AS Insurance Agency a call. We are here to help Manchester, NH, residents so that they are able to find the life insurance policy that best fits their needs.

Pet Liability Expenses That Your Renters’ Insurance Policy May Cover

Your renters’ insurance may offer protection that will cover costs that your pet is responsible for. Learn about the liability expenses that your policy may handle. Contact an AS Insurance Agency representative serving Manchester, NH to update your renters’ insurance policy.

Property Damage

You are liable for all damages that your pet is responsible for while you are an active tenant. Damage may include holes in walls, torn carpeting, chew marks, and stains.

If your renters’ insurance policy includes property damage coverage, the damage that your pet is responsible for will be covered by your policy.

Before you move into a rental, it is a good idea to conduct a thorough inspection of the place. Any existing damage should be documented. Recording this information will prevent you from being held liable for damage that your pet isn’t responsible for.

Bodily Injury

You are responsible for monitoring your pet at all times. If your pet causes an injury, it should be reported to a local authority. Since a legal matter could result from an injury claim, there will be legal fees to consider.

Having renter’s insurance could alleviate some of the costs that are incurred. The pet liability protection that a policy provides could pay for legal fees and medical bills that are a result of an injury that your pet caused.


There may be some restrictions that will prevent a pet owner from receiving coverage for their animal. If an individual owns a dangerous breed or an exotic pet, they may not be eligible for standard coverage.

Reach Out To Us

Set up an appointment to consult us at AS Insurance Agency in Manchester, NH. We will prepare your renters’ insurance policy for you.

Do I need workers compensation insurance for my small business if I only have one employee?

Workers compensation doesn’t just protect your employees when they are injured; your policy also protects your Manchester, NH business from lawsuits when one of your employees is injured. Having this protection in place helps you and your employees avoid unnecessary expenses that may be difficult to cover during an emergency. At AS Insurance Agency, we can help you compare different policies that may work for your business.

Which Businesses Are Required To Carry Workers Compensation Insurance?

Any business that has any employees must carry workers compensation insurance by law in New Hampshire. This applies if your business is a nonprofit, if the workers are part-time or unpaid, and if the employees are related to you. Even contractors may need to carry workers compensation insurance.

Failure to carry this kind of insurance could result in fines for your business even if no one ever uses the policy. Workers compensation is completely separate from personal health insurance.

Are There Exceptions?

There are only a few exceptions where you may not need workers compensation insurance. If you are a sole proprietor, you are the only one working for the business. The same applies to a partnership, where two individuals have equal ownership of the business. 

If you are a sole proprietor, in a partnership, or self-employed, you do not need to carry a policy, but you can still choose to protect yourself.

Make sure your Manchester, NH has the protection it needs. Workers compensation is just one of the ways you can make sure your small business doesn’t suffer when facing an unfortunate incident. Call AS Insurance Agency today if you have any questions about commercial insurance or if you would like to discuss your current policy.

When is Umbrella Insurance Beneficial?

While researching the different types of insurance available to you as a Manchester, NH resident, you may have come across umbrella insurance and begun to wonder why you had never heard of it. Umbrella insurance is beyond basic insurance, and some people never even consider purchasing it because they have no reason to. So, what exactly is umbrella insurance, and when is this type of insurance beneficial? Here is a brief overview to help you better understand this type of insurance coverage. 

What is Umbrella Insurance?

Umbrella insurance is a supplemental insurance that kicks in once a person’s primary insurance has paid out the maximum amount. This could be their homeowners, boat, or even auto insurance policies. For example, if a person is a homeowner and a delivery person drops off an order at that homeowner’s house and is bitten by the homeowner’s dog, medical bills could be high. If the victim’s medical bills are $75,000, and the homeowner’s insurance policy maxes out at $50,000, the umbrella insurance would likely cover the extra $25,000. 

Umbrella Insurance for the Wealthy

Low and moderate income individuals rarely need umbrella insurance. This is because well-off individuals are more likely to be sued for what they’re worth, which is substantially more than the average person.

As you can see, umbrella insurance is a supplementary insurance that most likely benefits wealthy individuals. Wealthy individuals are more likely to have expensive assets that make them more likely to be sued for large amounts of money that can easily deplete their primary homeowners’ insurance. Once the homeowners’ insurance has paid the maximum, the umbrella insurance will pay what’s left over. If you’re a Manchester, NH resident, and you need a new insurance agency, you should give us a call at AS Insurance Agency. Our company, AS Insurance Agency, has been in business for years, providing customers with the A-1 customer service that we hope to provide for you. 

Three Things New Homeowners Need to Consider Regarding Flood Insurance

At AS Insurance Agency, we are committed to offering our Manchester, NH clients the most comprehensive flood insurance for their homes. You won’t be left with a huge bill after your home sustains irreparable water damage. Many people bypass getting flood insurance thinking their standard homeowners insurance covers it. This is a mistake. Many standard homeowners insurance policies don’t include proper flood coverage, even if you live in a low-risk area. 

If you are searching for a new homeowners policy and are new to flood insurance, you should know about the following three things. 

Three Things To Consider Regarding Flood Insurance 

There Will Be Fine Print

Almost every Manchester, NH flood insurance policy includes some fine print. When you contact AS Insurance Services, our representatives will be sure to be comprehensive and clear when explaining to you what your policy covers. The last thing you want is to have flood damage and not have the proper insurance to pay for it. 

It Doesn’t Kick In Right Away

If you’re thinking you are heading for a time of year when there will be a high flood risk, don’t hesitate to add flood coverage to your policy. This is because most flood coverage doesn’t kick in right away. You should assume that there will be at least a 30-day waiting period before flood coverage is added to your homeowners’ policy. 

The Payouts Are High

According to, the average flood insurance payout in the United States is 69,000 dollars. With this add-on to your homeowners’ policy, you are almost assuredly going to be properly covered if your home sustains major flood damage. 

Consult With Us

Don’t feel too comfortable about flood risk if you live in a low-risk area, you should still have some type of coverage, but anything can happen when it comes to weather. Contact us at AS Insurance Agency in Manchester, NH today if you have any further questions about flood insurance. 

Condo Insurance and Time Shares

It can be tough getting insurance on a time-share condominium. For one thing, they get a lot more visitors than the typical vacation home. You’re sharing this condo with several other people, so determining who is responsible for what can get difficult. However, if you keep organized with a clear mind, you can manage through this and get back to enjoying your vacation. 

How To Do It

 You may already be covered. Go over your timeshare agreement. Read it all down to the fine print. See what kind of coverage you already have. If you have a deeded timeshare, that means it’s your legal property with all rights and responsibilities. That includes getting property and liability insurance. If you rent it out, you will need a commercial landlord policy. 

Other Considerations 

Keep in mind that due to the fact that the facility is commercial and not completely owned by you, the standard homeowner’s insurance policy generally will not provide adequate coverage. Check on how much you covered in the event of theft. Your liability insurance may cover accidental damage to someone else’s property. In any case, your home insurance agent should be able to explain your coverage to you. 

Umbrella Insurance

That’s a lot of things to cover, isn’t it? You may want to consider umbrella insurance for your timeshare condo. It offers more liability coverage at a lesser cost than the increasing liability limits of your underlying policy. 

AS Insurance Agency serving Manchester, NH

If you are looking for insurance coverage for your property in the Manchester, NH area, consider contacting the AS Insurance Company. We are dedicated to providing fair compensation for your property.